Change Language

Change is like life getting translated into a new language. The past turns into a story written in a new language that you can only remember and read in the new way now.

Smooth Operation

Show me a completely smooth operation and I’ll show you someone who’s covering mistakes. Real boats rock.

Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune

Advance via Funeral

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it

Max Planck

Messianic illusion

is that a single person (or even a single action) will come to save the world, fix society, improve the economy, rescue the company…

art of forgetting

“When Simonides or someone offered to teach him the art of memory,” the Athenian politician Themistocles replied that he would “prefer the art of forgetting. ‘For I remember,’ said he, ‘even things I do not wish to remember, but I cannot forget things I wish to forget” – Cicero

Different Hats

Competitive sports are unhealthy

This is the classical problem of naive optimization. You optimize on one dimension, causing hidden side effects in other dimensions.

be not not-yourself

you are always you.

Magnetic Intelligence

The most magnetic kind of intelligent person makes 𝑦𝑜𝑢 feel smarter when they explain something.

Circle of Knowledge

As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.