Keystone Habits

Keystone Habits are habits that you use to make it easier to do other habits because you perform them regularly already and all you have to do is chain a new habit on at the end.

Cortex Futura

Every true thinker for himself is like a monarch

His judgements, like the decrees of a monarch, spring from his own sovereign power and proceed directly from himself. The characteristic sign of a mind of the highest standard is the directness of its judgment.


stay silent vs vocal

people stay silent in front of big insults, and vocal in front of small ones;

masks: people want to be free in the small things, and are willing to be slaves in the things that matter

Thinking is like dancing

Thinking is like dancing. You must learn the moves, but once you’ve learned them you dance from your heart not your mind.

Do the work.

That’s all the productivity advice you need.

Work is hard.

Tocqueville Paradox

As the living standards in a society rise, the people’s expectations of the society rise with it. The rise in expectations eventually surpasses the rise in living standards, inevitably resulting in disaffection (and sometimes populist uprisings).

Easy, Simple, Best – Life

Life is easier when you know who you are, simplest when you know what game you’re playing, and best when you play only your game.

Science as the gradual removal of prejudices

It is, indeed, perhaps the greatest prospect of humanistic studies to contribute through an increasing knowledge of the history of cultural development to that gradual removal of prejudices which is the common aim of all science.

Niehls Bohr, Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (1958)