Wealth creates wealth

Multiplicativity of wealth is a good definition of capitalism: re-invest wealth you don’t currently personally need.

Temporal emergent

Temporal = Related to time. Time is relevant depending upon where you are standing.

Emergent = You cannot predict when it emerges, similar to an emergency.

Intuitions are your best bet against an uncertain world which is temporally emergent. Logic is a good tool to analyse things already quantified and turned into data.

Temporal emergent is depending upon where you are in your life cycle your answers along with your emotional alignment is relative to time. Life is dynamic and changing through time.

Balance is Timing

On Entropy

Entropy has many characteristics depending upon what you are referencing.

2nd Law of Thermodynamics: A characteristic of entropy is that it is a one one way street that always is expanding. Glass shatters, cream disperses in coffee, eggs scramble — but never the reverse. Heat always moves from hot to cold. The universe is becoming more random or more disorderly.


Humans interact with other systems and are therefore never closed. Your survival depends on reducing volatility/entropy. When you get volatility and entropy expansion, reduce the number of state spaces. Simply said, get small: don’t interact, don’t transact, don’t move, stay tight.

Entropy is also the number of possible states in a system. The more states, the more possible randomness. The fewer states randomness is reduced. Entropy == disorder. Entropy reduction is less disorder. The concept of distortion is relative, what you distort depends on what you take to be the starting point.

Entropy has a two components to it: A disorder component & a heat component.

Maximum entropy in human interaction: Religion and politics at a bar. Being drunk is the most truthful. When entropy expands, the heat goes up. For everybody. Your are not going to win any arguments in entropy expansion.

All the people that you interact with are constantly giving you information. You just have to figure out how you manage your emotional responses so you can continue to maximize the amount of entropy available to process decisions. The emotional component can be difficult. Sometimes the most informational is the least observed, the never acknowledged or the undervalued.

Entropy is why McDonald’s is the most successful restaurant in the world (low variation, always kind of average), and people buy brand names (paying for stuff that doesn’t suck).

Entropy can actually organize things. Examples include how colloids stick to each other through depletion forces (an entropic force), how lipid membranes organize through hydrophobic forces (an entropic force).

Mistakes | Error

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.


Nature always wins

Nature always wins. When you optimize one domain you fragilize your tail. Nature doesn’t need probabilities.

Nature has already figured out what works. Don’t fight her. She doesn’t negotiate.

Man optimizes: nature doesn’t. Nature is serially redundant: man blows up

Nature can never be completely described, for such a description of Nature would have to duplicate Nature.

Nature’s not fooled by randomness because she IS randomness manifest.

The best predictor of death

The best predictor of death is how fast you heartbeat goes down. If you go more than 30 beats in one minute after a treadmill, call the doctor

Little known about TPS: The Andon Cord

Toyota used to have a red rope hanging over its production lines. Any worker (any!) was supposed to pull on the red rope when he noticed a problem. That would stop production.

Learning is about reducing stimuli’s entropy.

via Luca Dellanna: Learning consists in three behaviors

  1. predicting future stimuli
  2. neglecting noise
  3. coming up with higher-order concepts, so that even if lower-order stimuli are volatile, the higher-order concepts remain stable

Wittgenstein’s Ruler

Whom you think of as a foe, is more of a measure of you than it is of them

Any conversation about you in which you aren’t present yourself isn’t really about you nor for you. It’s about those holding the conversation.


On Facebook everyone pretends to be friends.

On Twitter everyone pretends to be an expert.

On LinkedIn everyone pretends to be professional.

On Instagram everyone pretends to be happy.

In real life…

Work and Hobbies

Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and… Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. Our hobbies should be a form of dissent, a radical expression of our individuality, a celebration of doing things that we’re not obliged to do. Hobbies should celebrate their independence from labor.
