All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts.
Life is a complex system of interlocking chemical reactions, driven by feedback and free energy.
Sean Carol: The Big Picture
Paul Kalanithi: Before I go
We stand on the shoulders of giants who bothered to login to StackOverflow and explain their problem in words easily indexed by Google.
— SwiftOnSecurity (@SwiftOnSecurity) June 1, 2017
It appears that it was all a misunderstanding.
New and Collected Poems, 1931 – 2001
What was only a trial run was taken seriously.
The rivers will return to their beginnings.
The wind will cease in its turning about.
Trees instead of budding will tend to their roots.
Old men will chase a ball, a glance in the mirror-
They are children again.
The dead will wake up, not comprehending.
Till everything that happened has unhappened.
What a relief! Breathe freely, you who suffered much.
True words are not fine-sounding;
Chapter 81, Tao Te Ching
Fine sounding words are not true.
The good man does not prove by argument;
And he who proves by argument is not good;
True wisdom is different from much learning;
Much learning means little wisdom.
Thank you.
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Above the Crowd | Bill Gurley | . |
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AI Impacts | Katja Grace | . |
All Things Distributed | Werner Vogels | Weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems |
Alleged Wisdom | . | Musings of a social scientist |
Andre Staltz | Andre Staltz | Open source hacker |
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Apophany Hourly | . | Safe space for tenuous connections and irresponsible speculation |
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Atul Jha | Atul Jha | . |
AVC | Fred Wilson | . |
Base Hit Investing | John Huber | . |
Becoming Eden | . | Reflections and self-reflections |
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Ben Kuhn | Ben Kuhn | . |
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Brilliant Maps | . | Making sense of the world, one map at a time |
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Casey Accidental | Casey Winters | . |
Cdixon blog | Chris Dixon | . |
Center for innovative governance research blog | Mark Lutter | Up to date commentary on new cities, charter citcities, spacial economic, and all forms of decentralization |
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Commiting Sociology | . | Random acts of sociology & philosophy |
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Continuations | Albert Wenger | . |
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Devon’s Site | Devon Zuegel | |
Dilbert Blog | Scott Adams | |
Discover Magazine Blogs | Science for the curious | |
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Economist’s View | Mark Thoma | . |
Econtalk | Russell Roberts | The library of economics and liberty |
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Edge | . | . |
Effectutation | Society or effectual action | |
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First Round Review | . | . |
Flight from Perfection | Milan Griffes | . |
ForeVix | Jess Riedel | Meta humor means you’re smarter |
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I done this blog | . | The science of small wins |
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Indian Philosophy Blog | . | A group blog of scholars exploring indian philosophy |
Information Processing | Stephen Hsu | Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will |
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Insecurity Analysis | . | Wall Street Conversations |
In the Pipeline | Derek Lowe | Commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry |
Intelligent Fanatics | . | Standing on the shoulders of giants |
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Jwnorman Blog | Joseph Norman | . |
Kalzumeus Software | Patrick McKenzie | . |
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Ken Schwaber | Ken Schwaber | Telling it like it is |
Kevin Anderson | Kevin Anderson | Comment on climate | | Jason Kottke | Home of fine hypertext products |
Kwokchain | Kevin Kwok | . |
Lars P Syll | Lars Syll | Non-ergodic, realist and relevant economics |
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Learning by Shipping | . | . |
Less Wrong 2.0 | Eliezer Yudkowsky | A community blog devoted to refining the art of rationality |
Literary Hub | . | The best of the literary internet |
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Luke Muehlhauser | Luke Muelhauser | . |
Machine Intelligence Research Institute Blog | . | |
Marc Andreessen Blog | Marc Andreessen | . |
Marginal Revolution | Tyler Cowen | Small steps toward a much better world |
Mark Burgess | Mark Burgess | . |
Martin Fowler | Martin Fowler | . |
Matt Turck | Matt Turck | . |
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Michael Pettis China Financial Markets | Michael Pettis | . |
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Musings on Markets | Aswath Damodaran | Not-so-profound thoughts about valuation, corporate finance and the news of the day |
My so amzing life | . | Writing about thinking about things |
Nakamoto Instiute | . | . |
Nancy Hua | Nancy Hua | . |
Narrative Insights | Marcus Guest | . |
Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Nassm Nicholas Taleb | Editor of incerto, opacity, and east med project: history, philosophy, and genetics |
Nautilus | . | Science connected |
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Network Science | Albert-Laszlo Barabasi | . |
Network Science Institute Publications | Alessandro Vespignani | . |
Nick Vitcuci | Nick Vitccui | . |
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NoTricksZone | . | Not here to worship what is known, but to question it |
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PAXsims | . | Conflict simulation, peacebuilding, and development |
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Philosophical Economics | . | . |
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Podcast Notes | ||
Psycritic | . | A child’s psychiatrist’s blog, critically examining psychiatry, wellness, parenting, modern culture, etc |
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Quas lacrimas peperere minioribus nostris | . | |
Quillette | Claire Lehmann | . |
Rationality | Eliezer Yudkowsky | From ai to zombies |
Raw Thought | Aaron Swartz | . |
Reaction Wheel | Jerry Neumann | . |
Real Psychiatry | George Dawson | The reality of psychiatry rather than the perception |
Reducing Suffering | Brian Tomasik | Essays on reducing suffering |
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Roosh V | Daryush Valizadeh | . |
Safal Niveshak | Vishal Khandelwal | Value investing india |
Sam Altman | Sam Altman | . |
Samo Burja | Samo Burja | . |
Sam’s Research Blog | Sam Greydanus | . |
Samzdat | . | Antecedents have consequences |
Saner than lasagna | . | . |
Santa Fe Institute Research | . | . |
SciLogs | . | Tagebücher der Wissenschaft |
Scott Belsky | Scott Belsky | . |
Scott Sage | Scott Sage | . |
Sean Carroll | Sean Carroll | In truth, only atoms and the void |
Sean McGrath | Sean McGrath | . |
Seeing both sides | Jeff Bussgang | VC perspectives from a former entrepreneur |
Seeking Wisdom | Jana Vembunarayanan | Mastering the bost of what other people have already figured out |
Selfdiscovery Portal | Art Ticknor | . |
ShadowStock | . | Deep value, contrarian investing |
Shetl-Optimized | Scott Aaronson | . |
Signal vs Noise | Jason Fried | Strong opinions and shared thoughts on design, business and tech |
Slate Star Codex | Scott Alexander | The joyful reduction of uncertainty |
Son of Sun Tzu | . | . |
Stanford AI100 | . | One hundred year study on artificial intelligence |
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy | . | . |
Starting Stength | Mark Rippetoe | |
Startup Jackson | . | Startups and Shit |
Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science | Andrew Gelman | . |
Stephan Guyenet | Stephan P. Guyenet | The science of body weight and health |
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Steven Strogatz Essays | Steven Strogatz | |
Stevey’s Blog Rants | Steve Yegge | Random whining and stuff |
Still Drinking | Peter Welch | . |
Stratechery | Ben Thompson | On the business, strategy, and impact of technology. |
Strategyzer Blog | Alexander Osterwalder | . |
Strong Brain Blog | . | Blogging about mental agility |
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TaoSecurity | Richard Bejtlich | Blog on digital security, strategic thought, and military history |
Teal Tensor | Elizabeth Morningstar | . |
The AI Programmer’s Bookshelf | Jeff Orkin | A list of useful books for game AI programming |
The Angel VC | Christoph Janz | Thoughts on internet startups, SaaS and early stage investing |
The Brains Blog | Gualtiero Piccinini | Since 2005, a leading forum for work in the philosophy and science of mind |
The Charlieton | . | . |
The Consequentialist | . | Strategies, algorithms, and schemes for making the future a better place |
The Cosmic Shambles Network | Dean Burnett | Brain yapping |
The Exponential View | Azeem Azhar | . |
The Functional Art | Albert Cairo | Weblog on visualization, infographics and data journalism |
The Happy Philosopher | . | A guide to freedom and happiness |
The IT risk manager | . | …based on practice rather than theory |
The Investor’s field guide | Patrick O’Shaughnessy | . |
The Lagrangian | Adam Strandberg | . |
The Last Conformer | . | Thinking inside boxes everyone wants me to think outside of |
The Mitrailleuse | Arthur Bloom | . |
The Money Illusion | . | A slightly off-center perspective on monetary problems |
The Origins Project | Arizona State University | . |
The Personal Finance Engineer | Daniel Sotiroff | . |
The Rational Walk | . | Intelligent investing is not a random walk |
The TRIZ Journal | Darrell Mann | . |
The Unit of Caring | . | You gave me wings when you showed me birds |
The whole sky | Julia | . |
Thing of Things | . | The gradual supplanting of the natural by the just |
This is going to be big | Charlie O’Donnell | Venture capital, seed and pre-seed |
Thom Langford | Blogging, so you don’t have to | |
Three-Toed Sloth | Cosma Shalizi | Slow takes from the canopy |
Tomgunuz | Tomasz Tunguz | . |
Tonsky | Nikita | . |
TrueIndology | . | . |
Unenumerated | Nick Szabo | An unending variety of topics |
Unfettered endeavor | . | Free thoughts and freed thoughts |
Wait but why | Tim Urban | . |
Wallstreet Playboys | . | Advice from real wall street professionals |
Watts up with that | . | The worlds most viewed site on global warming and climate change |
West Hunter | Gregory Cochran, Henry Harpending | Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat |
Y Combinator Blog | . | . |
Yonatan Zunger | Yonatan Zunger | Either political analysis of authoritan regimes, or interesting facts about science |
Wavell Room | . | Contemporary british military thought |
Zompist | Mark Rosenfelder | Mark Rosenfelder’s Metaverse |
And then there is this guy, out in his own universe
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