Demokratische Politik

Demokratische Politik ist, persönliche Verantwortung für das Gemeinwesen zu übernehmen.

Big Problems

If the problem is sufficiently big, everybody is part of the problem.


All great works of literature either dissolve a genre or invent one.

Walter Benjamin

Levant 2023 – Whoever fights monsters

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

F. N.

postmodernism vs metamodernism in movies

metamodernism uncritically treats emotional sincerity as a kind of self-evident truth that’s beyond critique. It simply substitutes unexamined claims to subjective truths for unexamined claims to objective truth.

Metamodernism is just modernism in drag and fundamentally reactionary (Vinay Gupta)?

Applying Spreng’s Triangle

Energy, Time and Information

To accomplish any given task, you can use a mix of three “pure” capabilities:

– unlimited knowledge and no time or energy
– unlimited time, but zero knowledge or energy
– unlimited energy and zero time and knowledge

e.g. you know something and you try to use it in the real world. It doesn’t work, so you add some combination of more knowledgebrute force, or just time (trial and error) to make it work


1970s: Globalization
1980s: Neoliberalization
1990s: Computerization
2000s: Financialization
2010s: Mobilization

a kalediscope of time layers

We are living in a kalediscope of time layers, awash in a sea of temporal complexity, that it results in our perception of now feeling distorted.

Elapsed Task Time

Under Pressure

When you’re under pressure you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training.

Navy Seals